Friday, December 7, 2018

Signs that shows that your hard Drive is dying

Here is how you can detect if your hard Drive is dying and the steps that you need to take to save your valuable data:

Sign 1: One of the symptoms is a failing hard drive is when your computer gets slow or begins to hang frequently or when you see a blur screen of death. 

Sign 2: Another unspecific but possible reason for hard drive failure is when files don't open and you find them corrupted even after they got saved without any errors or if they vanish.

Sign 3: Too many bad sectors indicates poor health of hard drives. Bad sectors are hard drive areas that are automatically masked by the operating system. 

To check for bad sectors in Windows, go to drive partition through "My PC" right click on it to go to 'properties' ---> Tools and click on Error checking.

Sign 4: If a peculiar repetitive sound or grinding sound is coming out of your hard drive, the drive may be close to dying. Grinding sounds are the signs of dying hardware parts like the spindle motor, bearings ets. 

Suggestion: Keeping a backup of your data on another hard drive is a good way to keep it safe as chances of both the drives failing simultaneously are very rare. 

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