Friday, August 23, 2019

Dangerous signs you are addicted to facebook

We know very well that Facebook is the most widely used social Networking sites. Surprisingly more than half of the users of Facebook visit the site every day and there are thousands and thousands of users who spend most of the day on Facebook these days. This is where the term Facebook addiction arises.

What are those dangerous signs that show that you are addicted to facebook?

Signs of Facebook Addiction:

You are constantly worrying about your Facebook Fame:

Are you changing your profile pic very often and count the number of Likes and comments? Do you get anxious after updating Facebook? Are you deleting updates or pics that do not get likes? If your answer is yes, this is one of the reasons.

Facebook offers instant satisfaction and this is one of the reasons why some are addictive to Facebook. Most importantly this is the reason why users get hooked to Facebook.  

Many users suffer from low self respect because their posts/pics did not perform better than their near and dear ones. This at times breaks the relationship as well. Hence it is always good if we limit the usage of Social Media.

You feel like reporting everything:

If you feel that you have to report every small thing on Facebook you are an addict. If you are revealing your anger, excitement, feelings and thoughts about others on Facebook, you are addicted to it.

Sharing thoughts on Facebook is good, however sharing too much of private data/information is not good. You may have to regret later for your actions on Facebook

Going Crazy to make more friends:

Crazy about making more facebook friends
People these days starting asking how many friends do you have on Facebook? Number of friends on Social Media has become more of a symbol for a higher social life.

If you get a feeling that you have to compete with your friends to gather friends and keep adding more and more people to your friends, you are addicted to Facebook. 

Spending more than an Hour or Two on Facebook Everyday:

Spending time on Facebook completely depends on many aspects such as your current duties. For some their job demands to be very active on Facebook and there is no alternative for them as it is work related. Apart from such exceptions, anything more than an hour or two Facebook use indicates that you are stepping over the line. This also clues that you are addicted to Facebook. 

Anxiety to update the Status very often:

You feel guilty if the status is not updated at least 2-4 times a day. This indicates that you are addicted to Facebook.

Think of people who do not update their Facebook Status days together!

Compulsive profile dressing:

You should be working on a project that your boss wants for the next day or spending some fun time with family members, but you sign onto Facebook to change profile picture. Don’t you think that you are addicted to Facebook?

Here are few more signs that shows that you are addicted to Facebook: 

  • Carrying your phone into restroom/bathroom and updating your status or uploading photos.
  • Creating Accounts for pets and adding to friends list.


If you feel that you are addicted and wants to beat your addiction to Facebook try these:
  • Deactivate your account temporarily.
  • Delete your account permanently. 

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